Fans were shocked when Nick beat the front-runner in 2016. Luke PellThe Bachelor is a highly-coveted position. CelebHomes News received a report from Nick’s close friend stating that it was a “last-minute” decision that Nick had made just days before the major announcement.
His appearance at Trade secrets, Nick offered his speculations into why producers picked him over Luke: “I think he negotiated—like, they had no other options.”
Nick explained that the producers didn’t care about Luke Pell as an individual, and said that Nick was not concerned with pay since he knew the money would eventually arrive.
“It is stupid to offer that position. [to say no]”He added. “Nickel-and-diming over [$10,000 or]If you consider what you could do with the $20,000 opportunity, $20,000 would be your dumbest decision.