Before we can say “bonjour” to season two of Emily in ParisIt is important to know how the name of the show should be pronounced.

In case you need to refresher: Netflix stated in a November 2020 tweet that they had been incorrectly pronouncing the show’s name for years. Mon dieu, that’s awkward!

“Friendly reminder Emily in Paris“It is meant to be pronounced in French with an accent, so that ‘Emily” and ‘Paris rhyme,” wrote a streamer. tweet at the time.

Be careful, though. Before you go all out and say “Emily” in Par-ee, the creator of this series. Darren StarTell me. Entertainment WeeklyStar stated in an interview that this is not necessarily true. Star stated, “For those who prefer to pronounce it this way, I am all for it.” It’s for me. Emily in Paris.” 

Star addressed other issues, too. Star pointed out that Lily CollinEmily Cooper is Emily Cooper’s character It is supposedIt can be frustrating. Star stated, “I see how people get annoyed.” Star explained that it was part of her learning curve and where tension lies in the show. 

Let’s hope Emily grows up a little when the second season premieres on December 22,