These products were chosen by us independently because they are our favorites and the prices we believe you will like. CelebHomes is an affiliate, which means that we might earn commissions if you buy something from our links. CelebHomes does not sell items. All prices correct at the time of publication.

If you don’t have enough fake tan left to look presentable, but there’s too much left to redo your bronze, you need to shop for some beauty products that help you remove the color. Shop Girl Summer is here, and many of us are eager to achieve our bronze. You can learn from my trials and errors. I will walk you through how to remove self-tanner.

Apply self-tanner after you get your spray tan. You do not want to ruin the bronze. You do everything you can to prolong the life of your tan. Then, it’s time to get rid of all that. It’s time to get rid of the old color and create a new canvas ready for you. Don’t make it a routine of applying fake tan over the color. This is because of the buildup of dead skin cells and color. Not Trust me. Always spray your skin dry and clean.

You want to go beyond that little bit of left-over tan and get the bronzed look you desire. These are my top-recommended products, as well as answers to any questions you may have.