Let’s face it; in the modern digital economy, every customer
has a plethora of demands they expect to be met the minute they walk in the
door, and consumers want quicker, easier, and cheaper service than ever before.
What’s worse, now that everyone has access to a smartphone or computer, bad
reviews can pop up instantly after your customers are let down, and your
business could be mired by unrealistic expectations for weeks, months, or even
So how should your company handle customers that hold unrealistic
expectations, and how can you ensure that your consumers know what to
realistically expect when they walk through your front doors? Follow these
tips, and you’ll soon be rid of customers who simply don’t have manageable
expectations and can never be pleased.
Getting past the
entitlement mentality
Before you can grapple with customers with unrealistic
expectations, you’ll need to know where they come from. More so than any other
time, today’s digital age is lavish with luxuries, and modern consumers have
few wants that aren’t instantly catered to. That’s why it’s important that you
set realistic expectations for your customers, particularly when you commit to
digital advertising strategies, to ensure that they have a realistic picture of
your business in mind when they visit your brick and mortar locations.
The first thing your business should be focusing on, then,
is crafting an honest and transparent marketing strategy. You can’t possibly
get mad at your customers for having unrealistic expectations if you yourself
marketing your goods or services as being light years ahead of your
competitors; if you make a claim, especially in a digital advertisement that
can linger around the web forever, be sure that you can put your money where
your mouth is.
Sometimes, however, it’s not you nor your business’ fault
that you have to deal with a customer with unrealistic demands; some people
simply can’t be reasoned with, and will expect everything in the store plus the
shirt on your back, too. When you’re dealing with these consumers, it’s best
that you’ve a readily established customer service department ready to take on
their demands, so that your floor managers and retail workers don’t lose any
time at all dealing with the few bad apples.
It can’t be stressed enough that emphasizing transparency in your business
operations will save you from a world of hurt derived from customers who feel
cheated; if your company’s workplace culture is open for all to see, your
customers are less likely to think they’re being robbed, brushed under the rug,
and ignored in perpetuity. Of course, at the end of the day, you simply can’t
control the actions of other people, so what should you do when a customer goes
berserk, and starts demanding that heads roll because they didn’t instantly get
what they came in for?
conflict resolution
Your business is shooting itself in
the foot if it doesn’t have a team of managers or customer service reps trained
in conflict resolution on standby to deal with any customer-initiated meltdowns
if they aren’t happy with the Creative Cabinets and Faux Finishes you have
set up for them. Particularly around the holiday season, when customers have
their family and friends on their minds and desperately need to get a hold of a
specific gift at the last minute, you should expect a mess on your hands. During
those times, you’ll be glad you invested in the appropriate training regime
ahead of time, thus ensuring that your business was well-prepared for the
customer-led Armageddon soon to descend on you.
Many of the same key steps that are useful when it comes to
solving workplace disputes are actually invaluable when it comes to managing
customers, too; controlling your emotions, having clear and concise channels of
communication, and establishing a clear chain of command so that the
responsible employees are in the right place at the right time will be
imperative towards your success when it comes to tangling with upset customers
or angry workers alike.
Of course, like all emergency-management operations or
business negotiations, you’ll have to be prepared to make some concessions,
too. It won’t always be easy to smile at a customer who is berating you, or at
a client who is demanding a project get done on a slim timeline, but it’s
imperative that you know the right time and place to keep quiet and offer
something up to your customer or client to make them happy. Don’t be afraid to
take a mild loss or suffer a short-term setback, if it prevents an even bigger
disaster from blowing up in your face or retains a valuable client.
Don’t be scared to handle customers with
unrealistic expectations; with the right employees, and an established
conflict-resolution scheme, your business will be solving any dilemmas it
encounters in no time. When it comes to pleasing your customers, never be
afraid to promise them the world – but be sure that you follow up on your
promises, too.