Jack stated, “That is what we are doing. Collecting these small moments.” We don’t see them in the moment because we are too focused on what’s ahead. Then, we look back and try to find them again.
Randall was unable to recall his father’s wise words at the funeral of his mother.
He told his daughters, “It all feels so pointless.” I spent most of my childhood worrying about her disappearance. I was terrified for her death the entire last decade. But she is gone and the birds continue to chirp. Now I feel hungry. I thought of work five minutes back. Tomorrow will be my shower. This is all so futile.”
Randall was in despair but there was a way out. Deja was his child (La Trice HarperShe () informed her father she was expecting a boy and would be calling him William after Randall, Randall’s biological dad.
The Big 3 met together after the memorial service to plan their futures. Kate wanted to create music schools for visually impaired people, while Kevin wanted to concentrate on his non-profit. Randall, keeping his mother’s legacy as a guide, vowed that he would jump into his Presidential campaign.
Fried Oreos, or nothing.