Shayna, unlike her trial in the first place, took to the stand again. She testified that on the night she shot Ryan, she had been sitting on the floor in his condo and, when she tried to get up, he pushed her back down. She testified that she was “hysterically crying” as evidenced by video of the trial. Ryan stood above me and pulled the gun from the table. He pointed at me and said, “I could just kill your right now. Nobody would ever know.”
She continued “I was shocked,” and “I was afraid. I didn’t know what I did to deserve this.”
He put the gun back down on the table, Shayna testified, “still saying hurtful things, I don’t remember exactly what, and he was standing up from the chair and he was reaching across the table, and I don’t know if he was reaching for the gun or reaching for me. But I was still sitting on the floor at this point in time, and I got up off the floor and I grabbed the gun and I shot him.”
But the prosecution stayed its course that Shayna had committed a cold-blooded, premeditated crime, and, once again, it took the jury less than five hours to convict Shayna of murder on Aug. 29, 2018, rejecting a lesser charge of manslaughter. (On Killer CasesMichelle Snodgrass, Commonwealth Attorney, stated that Shayna “played an important role for jurors and judges with her testimony.”
Ryan’s family released a statement saying that Ryan was embracing justice and still doesn’t feel joy. Six years have passed without Ryan, and it has been heartbreaking.