Does there exist a rating above NC-17 Because The BoysI went there and bought property. Then, I threw an enormous house party.
In the Amazon Prime Video superhero drama’s season three premiere, viewers were left with dented floors after their jaws dropped that far when lower-level supe Termite (Brett Geddes)—think a coked-out version of Ant-Man who can shrink himself down to the size of his namesake—accidentally shot back up to normal size after sneezing. He also happened to be inside his boyfriend’s penis when this occurred, exploding his lover into bloody bits and pieces in the process. Houston! We have gotten way beyond NSFW.
It was deranged. It was distracting. It was a travesty. This happened within 10 minutes of the end. That’s amazing, isn’t it? The Boys In a nutshell:
Showrunner, “I am so happy, it’s been such fun, just stupid amounts fun,” Eric KripkeCelebHomes News was informed by the responders to the horrifying scene. We might claim that we have had the penis in our pockets for quite some time. So we watched it carefully with our eyes over our mouths, and were shocked at what we were able to do. The reaction was all I hoped for.