The prize of $1million was awarded to the female flight attendant. Survivor: China He had hoped to see the whole world using it. However, he later admitted that he was struggling with alcoholism following his stint on CBS’ reality show.
The frequent guest of theShow by Dr. Phil, he made headlines in 2017 when he alleged to Stat and Boston Globe that the producers of the show supplied him with alcohol and Xanax before carrying him out onto the stage during his infamous 2013 appearance, when he blew a .5 on a Breathalyzer test. In 2016, he appeared on stage again, revealing that he’d relapsed.
CelebHomes News was informed by a rep from the show that the claim had been denied. Stat article does not fairly or accurately describe the methods of Dr. PhilThe television show or its mission of educating millions of viewers on drug and alcohol addiction. It does not provide any drugs or alcohol for its viewers and all suggestions that it might do so are fanciful.
During Reddit AMA 2018 Todd expressed gratitude for “a lot” of the show. [Survivor]. You’re the one who got me to the most beautiful places in this country. This is a great gift. Some things I dislike about the show, I think are not real. … I should have been in the hospital, in that sense. My dressing room should not contain liters vodka.”
Todd was a castaway who now lives with his winnings in 2007. Spencer DuhmHe became a waiter at Orlando’s deli, telling PeopleIn 2012, customers said, “I know you from someplace,” but they never told me where. If they find out I have won a million, they’ll leave a poor tip.
Todd said that now he’s “happy, sober” because he owns and operates a movie theatre.