First, the Emmys. Then comes…Jell O wrestling?
For Anya Taylor-JoyThis was exactly the event schedule when it came to the 2021 Emmys, Sept. 19. Fans first saw her activity via Instagram, where she posted a photo of their Jell O wrestling setup. As the Queen’s Gambit Nominee explained on The Ellen DeGeneres ShowThe activity was part of a new philosophy that she uses to tackle difficult tasks.
“Awards shows are frightening,” she said to the daytime talk host. “They’re amazing, but it’s not really what my day is about, so I made it a rule that whenever I do something scary, I get the chance to do something ridiculous I’ve always wanted.”
So, she switched her yellow Dior gown to a Tigger onesie. She got to wrestling with Tigger. Cara Delevingne At her house.
“Cold, green. Surprisingly difficult,” she said of the Jell O fight. “Harder than it was going to be,” she said.
And it’s slower. She said that it was slippery and slow. “It’s almost Tai Chi.”