Elon’s parents split up in 1979. Elon’s father, an engineer, was also born in South Africa. This 2015 bio contains his biography Elon Musk: Tesla and SpaceX, the Quest for a Fantastic Future, author Ashlee Vanance wrote that Elon and his dad had a difficult relationship. 2017. Rolling Stone interview, Elon said his father “was such a terrible human being” who will  “plan evil,” and shed tears discussing him.

Elon’s father responded to the magazine by saying, “I have been accused of being Gay, Misogynist and a Paedophile. A Traitor. Rat. S–t. Many women who paid attention did not return my gaze. And much more. My own (wonderful) mother told me I am ‘ruthless’ and should learn to be more ‘humane.'” He also said, “I love and would do anything for my children.”

Elon divorced his mother Maye, Errol married HeidiMother of Jana BezuidenhoutAt the time, she was only 4 years of age. Heidi and Errol later had 2 more children together before Divorcing 18 years later. Jana and Errol had their son together in 2017. Elliot.  

Errol said to the U.K., “We were lonely and lost people.” Sunday TimesIn 2018. “One thing led to another—you can call it God’s plan or nature’s plan.”

Jana, he claimed, was not his stepdaughter. He also said that Jana was removed from his family for long periods. Although he doesn’t live near them, he said that he supports their son and visits them often.