These deals and products were chosen by us independently because they are our favorites and the prices we believe you will like. CelebHomes may earn a commission from you if your purchase is made through one of our affiliate links. CelebHomes is not responsible for the sale of items. The prices are correct as at publication time.

We all love Revolve for their cool influencer-approved styles and must-have beauty products. It’s not cheap to stay on the trend, as you will quickly see when browsing their site. Revolve sells some expensive items, but you can still find great pieces for around $100. 

For instance, this super chic faux leather skirt comes in two colors and can be styled in so many ways. This skirt is sexy and casual without looking sexy, making it perfect for Valentine’s Day. It’s also less than $75. You can even find some amazing deals in their sale section right now like BaubleBar’s best-selling Bennet Tennis Necklace for just $24 or Alo’s High Waist Airlift Leggings for just $59. 

From clothing to jewelry to beauty and more, we’ve rounded up a few things we would buy if we had $100 to spend at Revolve. You can see them all below.