Please, parents! HaveYou can also try it at home.
It’s clear that Anderson Cooper wants his two sons—23-month-old Wyatt– and 2-months old Sebastian—to have a strong sibling relationship. However, a new interview was conducted on The Late Show With Stephen ColbertAnderson spoke out about the unusual way that he plans to achieve it.
Wyatt started to do this with me, where they both kind of have fun with Sebastian. He said that he meant it in a positive way. Stephen Colbert on April 6. On April 6. I’m a baby. I’m crying, I’m crying.’ It is something that he enjoys. He now enjoys it.”
Anderson was told by the CNN host that it is only temporary and will be rescinded when Sebastian fully understands the situation.
Anderson laughed and said, “Ofcourse I’m going stop it,” Each day brings a new level of advancement. [Wyatt will] now come and hold Sebastian’s hand while I’m feeding Sebastian…he also took the bottle and started feeding Sebastian himself.”