Whether you are an experienced plant lover or are simply just trying to break into the fabulous and exciting world of caring for plants, there are many different options that you can choose from.
Depending on your commitment, where you live, and how much sun your home gets, there are a ton of different options available to you.
One such option is known as a Christmas cactus. Christmas cactuses make fantastic holiday plants and are truly beautiful to look at. They are especially beautiful when they are blooming with their bright pink flowers.
But how do you learn how to propagate Christmas cactus? We are here to help you learn!
Let’s break down what to know about Christmas cactuses and what you can do to make them bloom.
Propagating a Christmas cactus
The key to propagating a Christmas cactus correctly is to know what you are doing. Luckily, the process to do it correctly is quite easy and it definitely does not take a gardening expert to set your plant up for success.
Christmas cactus propagation typically begins by taking a short and Y-shaped cutting from a stem of the plant. The cutting that you make should consist of three joined segments at the very least. Beyond that, make sure that you are cutting from foliage that looks vibrant and healthy. This will give it the best chance of surviving on its own.
After that, you will want the cutting to dry for 2-3 hours and then you will want to pot it up for rooting. The reason why you want it to be dry is that it helps you avoid any stem rot in the early stages.
Rooting a Christmas cactus
The next step to growing a Christmas cactus is actually rooting it. Luckily, this is simple as well! Once you have taken your cut segment and have potted it in moist peat and sand soil mix (which is ideal for cactuses of this kind), simply insert the segment until it is about a quarter of its entire length below the soil’s surface.
Place the pot in a well-lit area, but try to avoid putting it in the way of direct sunlight, as that can actually burn the skin of the plant and harm it.
From there, you will want to water the plant sparingly – to avoid rot. After about 2-3 weeks, you should start to see signs of growth at the tips of the plant’s leaves, which are typically reddish in hue.
How to ensure strong blooms
While Christmas cactuses can adapt to low light situations, they are known to bloom more and more vibrantly if they are in brighter light conditions. However, you will still want to keep the plant out of direct sunlight. Do not allow the plant to dry out completely, but don’t overwater either as cactuses can be susceptible to rot. Ideally, if you are looking for the best flowering conditions, Christmas cactuses love temperatures hovering between 60 and 70 degrees with a high level of humidity.