Judge Mathis uses “Jedi Mind Trick”, to keep children in L.A.
Los Angeles is the new Washington D.C.
After sharing his coming out story on Mathis Family Matters, Greg Mathis Jr.His boyfriend Elliott Cooperthey are now moving forward in their marriage. On the June 26 episode of the CelebHomes reality series, the couple decided it was time to say goodbye Greg’s parents, Judge Greg MathisAnd Linda Mathis, move out and find a place of their own.
They made the decision California, but not before reflecting on their first-ever date in D.C. “Me and Elliott met on Valentine’s Day,” Greg Jr. recalled. “Got drunk, returned to my house, and we did not read the Bible.
Back to the matter at hand, Elliott—who’s from the South—expressed that while he hasn’t gotten used to the LA lifestyle just yet, he wanted Greg Jr. to be happy. Greg Jr. would be happy if he lived closer to his siblings and parents. Amir Mathis, Jade MathisAnd Camara Mathis WebsitebShe and her family.