Morgan Stewart shares the details about Baby No. 2: Necessary Reality 2
Get ready to be taken aback by these peelings Morgan Stewart‘s orange-themed baby shower.
CelebHomes News Daily Pop Nightly PopThe host posted all the details to Instagram on Sunday Jan. 30, including the flower arrangements and gift boxes which doubled up as tables settings.
Morgan captioned one blog post: “After 28847483874737737 canceled events,” Morgan said, “an intimate Shower was had!”
Among the additional snapshots shared were several adorable family photos featuring Morgan’s husband Jordan McGrawthe 11-month-old girl they adopted, Row.
Having back-to-back babies since saying “I do” in Dec. 2020 wasn’t exactly the plan, but as Morgan explained during an episode of It is necessary to be real, “I am very fortunate and I’ve always said I want to have babies really close together to get it done, because if I would have stopped down and waited three years, there’s no f–king way I would have gone back on that pregnancy train.”
Row also seems ready to be Row’s big sister.