These products were chosen by us independently because they are our favorites and the prices we believe you will like. CelebHomes is an affiliate, which means that we might earn commissions if you buy something from our links. CelebHomes is not responsible for the sale of items. The prices are correct as published.

Peter Thomas Roth skincare products are always a bargain. Peter Thomas Roth makes some of the best skincare products I have ever used. The peel-off creams, under-eye patches and other skin care products are all my favorites. The brand’s Valentine’s Day sale, buy one and get one for free is why it’s so special to me.

This is how it works: If you purchase something from the list, you’ll get another item (from that list), for free. The cheapest item is always free if there are two items on the list. While the offer isn’t valid for every Peter Thomas Roth product in its entirety, it does apply to a number of outstanding products.

Peter’s Picks For The Girl, a 4-piece set that includes top-quality products and hints for buying the right product is an option. This set is worth $108, and you can purchase it for only $38. If you wish, you could get two sets, for just $38. That’s $216 worth skin products. You get four of the products for this price, and possibly even eight. Continue reading to learn more about this essential set.