Holiday spirit can be embraced at any time.
This is at most, according to Terry BradshawThe gang are celebrating Christmas with their friends and family on tomorrow’s new episode of The Bradshaw BunchIt’s still technically summer even though it seems like it.
Why? Why? Rachel BradshawCan get her the inspiration she so desperately wants to compose a holiday tune.
Erin Bradshaw is leading the charge on the festive event, and in this sneak peek clip, Terry can’t help but get emotional over her dedication.
In a confessional, the NFL Hall-of-Famer said that “this is what family’s about.” It’s a joy to see my girls come together and support one another. It’s the best thing.
The way Erin sees it, planning the celebration is simply a fun outlet for her love of Christmas.
You need Christmas spirit in order to get you into the Christmas spirit. I have it. You need joy? I got joy,” Erin says. “You need decor? I got decor. Tacky sweaters are a must. That’s what I did.