Nick Cannon is not ruling out future fatherhood, but after welcoming four babies over the past 10 months, he says he’s trying to remain celibate…at least this year.
If Dr. Mehmet Oz asked if he expected more children in the near future, the 41-year-old TV personality and comedian said on Friday, Nov. 19, “I don’t know, doc. Do you have any thoughts? What should I do?
Nick has seven children with four different women: He and ex-wife Mariah CareyParents of 10-year-old twins Moroccan Cannon and Monroe Cannon; he model Brittany Bell share son Golden Cannon, 4, and 10-month-old daughter Powerful Queen CannonModel and he Abby De La RosaShare 5-month-old twins Zion Cannon Zillion CannonAnd he and his model Alyssa Scott share 4-month-old son Zen Cannon.
Nick stated, “I don’t know what I’ll feel in five year.” People often ask me if you’ll have more children. I haven’t had a vasectomy so I can’t really answer that question. I also don’t know if my love life will ever be the same. I have no idea how deep I’ll dive again. It’s not clear. It is impossible to know what the universe will present you with.”