Long-time cast member of the long-running show “Friends,” regular on “Cougar Town,” and bountifulness (courtesy of money and Hollywood self-consciousness). You’ve guessed correctly. Courteney Cox, like a good portion of celebrities nowadays, got into real estate and it eventually became a regular activity. In speaking of real estate, her and now ex-husband, David Arquette, listed their monstrous Beverly Hills residency for an astonishing $19.5 million. Courteney and David got divorced this past May. By the looks of it, the divorce was based on a mutual agreement. How nice!
Their 5,500 sq foot home is more than nice though. It was built in 1959 and revitalized in 2006 by an apparently well-known architect. The work that was done on the Courteney David pad precedes the name of the one responsible. There’s barely any trace of 50’s or 60’s appeal. Practically the entire place was remodeled to today’s standards. Floor plan consists of 5 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms and sits on 0.83 acres precisely. Amenities include large patio area, pool, clear and lush landscape view of the downtown area, dishwasher, dryer, microwave, oven, refridgerator, and garbage disposal.
Address: Wallace Ridge, Beverly Hills CA 90210