Within hours Bob SagetThe family of the actor filed a lawsuit in order to prevent the release his medical records. A judge granted the motion.

In documents obtained by CelebHomes News on Feb. 16, a Circuit Court judge in Orange County, Fla., signed off on the decision to keep the actor’s medical records, which pertain to the investigation of his death, confidential temporarily.

Saget married Saget on Feb. 15. Kelly RizzoHe and his three daughters Aubrey, LaraAnd Jennifer SagetShe filed suit against Orange County Sheriff John Mina and the District Nine Medical Examiner’s Office in Florida. According to their complaint, “certain news and media outlets have filed or plan to file public records requests” and the family requested an injunction to keep those materials classified.

After their request, the judge in charge of the case agreed with them. The court papers filed February 16 stated that the Court found Plaintiffs would suffer “irreparable harm” in the form severe mental pain, anxiety, and distress.