Kathy Griffin tweeted, “Betty White. How do I start? Although I have known her for a long time, I believe the first time she met me was while she was an actress on a television show. Susan suddenlyIt was in the mid 90s. She was a huge hit with everyone. She accidentally had parked her car in my spot. He walks in…yellsThe soundstage back can be heard for all to hear “Where’s the redheaded bitch that stole my parking spot ???’? SWOON. “A friendship was created.”
Elle continued: “Another occasion I was fortunate enough to present the primetime Emmy Awards with the lake.” [sic]Fantastic Don Rickles. Betty, he and I…We’re sitting backstage at rehearsal with the great Mary Tyler Moore. Betty, Don, and I were laughing at Mary’s stupidity and vulgarity. Mary stood up, and Don looked at Betty and me and said “She wasn’t the warmest.” We both laughed far too often.”
She also recalled when the actress guest starred on her show Kathy Griffin, My Life on The D List in 2009, on an episode where Griffin’s mom, MaggieWhite plays with, Griffin called itThis is a bucket list memory. It’s touching, funny and heartwarming all at once.
“We surprised Maggie, so when Betty shows up at Sizzler Senior Early Bird Special, my Mom about fell OUT!” Griffin tweeted. “And I was able to spend the entire day with Betty White and my mom on film. The day was truly a dream for all the girls. Betty was kind and caring to my mom. She was extremely shocked and answered each question. every word out of my mouth, which was mandatory.”
Griffin said, “She was a friend of my mother, and she drank with her like a good friend.” I was treated like we belonged in the same bar or club. In fact, she treated me as an equal in the comedy grrl world. She was both sharp and funny, as well as soft and wise. and no matter how long this world continues to spin, there will be only one Betty White.”
Steve Aoki tweeted“Betty White was born in a [goat emoji].”