The products featured are either from the celeb’s product line, or brands they have been paid to endorse. CelebHomes is an affiliate, which means that we might earn commissions if someone purchases something from our links. CelebHomes is not responsible for the sale of items.

Anyone who has a wedding to plan knows the importance of having a great reception. There is so much!There are many things to do in these times of pandemics, including adjusting dates and reducing guest lists. You get presents at the very least. You’ll need to register for gifts, which is yet another job you will have to do on your wedding day. While picking your gifts sounds like a lot of fun, you can find it stressful.

Betches are a great option. Senior Marketing Manager Nicole Pellegrino has you covered. The podcast is hosted by her. Betches Brides And she spoke with CelebHomes NewsHer 2021 wedding. Nicole has the right information for you if you are looking for wedding registry details for products that you will use. Read on to find out her top picks, and how she selected each item.