What is the best way to tell if your vasculitis has developed?
Since symptoms vary widely between each patient and the kind of vasculitis they have, Firooz said it can be difficult to know. She suggests instead that you keep an eye out to see if there are any “atypical” symptoms.
According to her, it is always an indication that there are problems. Let’s take, for example, a skin rash. A rash, such as an allergic reaction or mosquito bite, should resolve in a matter of days. It’s important to see a doctor if the rash persists or gets worse. It’s very easy to get vasculitis.
Firooz stated that more serious cases, such as hearing and vision loss, could be caused by a number of things including vasculitis, which must be treated seriously. Firooz said that any abnormality should be investigated. Although it may not be a sign or symptom that you have vasculitis (or any other condition), I believe it to be a sign and symptom that someone needs to be assessed.
What can you do to prevent vasculitis from happening?
Firooz said that there are no preventative measures to avoid vasculitis. After all, she explained, there are many causes of vasculitis—including a preexisting condition such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, a reaction to a certain drug or the result of a viral or bacterial infection.
Then, it could be any one of these: It’s not possible to find them all and the condition will be referred to as idiopathic. This means the cause is unknown. Maybe you are predisposed to certain conditions, or maybe you’re affected by environmental factors. [how]Most autoimmune diseases are caused in this manner.
However, the rheumatologist stressed the importance of seeking early treatment to improve the chances of recovering without further harm. According to the rheumatologist, “We are experts in these treatments so we can usually achieve good results.” It is important to stop any damage.