Warning! Spoilers ahead
Perhaps all publicity is not necessarily good. It’s good publicity.
The premiere season six of Showtime’s MillionsThis episode aired Sunday, January 24, 2014, on Mike Wagner’s (David CostabileFollowing a Peloton training class, () has a cardiac arrest. Sounds like a familiar plot line? This is because the premiere of Sex and the City‘s Just like thatBig Bradshaw, Carrie Bradshaw’s husbandChris Noth) suffers the same fate. Wags survives but unlike Mr. Big is victorious and proudly returns to work declaring: “I’m going to not go out like Mr. Big.”
Peloton also revealed, unlike Mr. Big’s revelations, that they didn’t know. OtherThe TV character would suffer a heart attack from their exercise bike. The company stated that they understand why fictional television shows might want to feature a brand people love talking about. However, Showtime’s reference to Peloton Instructors and the use of Peloton Bike+ was not branding, product or instructor placement. We did not consent for our IP and brand to be on this show and to provide any equipment.
Continued the message: “As mentioned by the show itself,” cardio-vascular exercises have strong benefits to people living long and happy lives.