An announcement by Daily Pop‘s Justin Sylvester, the final four competitors headed to next week’s Grand Final will be two-time Grammy winner Michael BoltonRepresentative of Connecticut and North Dakota Natives Chloe Fredericks, Texas’ Grant KnocheAmerican Samoa representative Tenelle.
Each contestant was equally excited by the news, especially for Tenelle, who told CelebHomes News, “For me as a Polynesian, it’s just like, this is crazy. This is why God sent me. “I’m not afraid of anyone.”
Michael Bolton may seem like a superstar after winning several Grammy Awards. The singer-songwriter is a great example of how to keep it real.
“I am acutely aware that a career in music takes more than some success, even I know artists who have Grammys who have not had another hit, and I think that keeps me grounded,” he shared. “So, I just try to do the best I can, see what happens.”
As for Fredericks and Knoche, each are looking forward to bringing home a win for their respective states, and hope to one day have successful careers in the music industry like hosts Kelly Clarkson and Snoop Dogg.
You can listen to it here American Song Contest End of the Finale on Monday May 9, 8 p.m. NBC
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