These days Bynes proudly wears her heart below her sleeve, “Paul” tattooed on her left wrist in gothic script.

And now she’s free to follow her own heart, wherever it leads, a source close to Bynes telling CelebHomes News in February that, once her conservatorship was terminated, she’d be able to “get married, live wherever she likes and travel freely wherever she wants to go, among other things.” Lynn had been closely following her daughter’s progress, the insider added, and from the reports she was provided she was confident that Bynes was “determined, successful and able to manage her day-to-day life and well-being.”

Bynes’ attorney, David A. EsquibiasAccording to Amanda, the conservatorship will end when it is ended. Amanda can live the life she wants. (Previously the next court-ordered status report on Bynes’ welfare was due in 2023, but Esquibias explained to People last year that any reports saying the conservatorship had been extended until 2023 were incorrect and that Bynes’ case was “open day to day.”)