Not much can be said about Alex McCord, except that she’s one of the Real Housewives of New York City. She may or may not return to the reality TV series. One thing is certain: her and the hubby (Simon Van Kempen) fled from the country, literally! They now reside somewhere in Australia. Talking about a major change in scenery! Before then, Alex and Simon inhabited a nice 6 bed and 5 bath townhome in Brooklyn, NY. It’s said that their friends ridiculed them for it. But, haters are going to hate, right?
They managed to sell the 3,884 sq ft home for $2.695 million about a month ago. It’s a nice Brooklyn spread. Perhaps Alex and Simon’s friends found the red room distasteful? But hey, look at that private and tranquil backyard! Fireplace and formal dining are just to name two out of the other amenities that are being enjoyed by the current owner(s).
Address: 56 Butler St, Brooklyn NY 11231