Stockwell acknowledged that it was challenging to film in the water. After a Hollywood cinematographer was hit by a wave, Stockwell hired Mike Stewart, a professional photographer who can handle the camera. But the director revealed that the hardest part of making Blue Crush was timing.
He explained that the biggest problem was to get the studio to accept the fact that the waves couldn’t be scheduled. I said that we would have coverage of waves. We’ll shoot underwater if there’s waves. We did that and had very flexible scheduling.
Stockwell said that the film’s greatest shots were made because of this openness to filming on the ocean.
He said, “Even pre-production, there were waves. I went out to shoot.” I would reply, “OK, this costume test. “I would have Michelle, Sanoe, and Kate go out. Some of the most memorable footage from the film is from the wardrobe tests. Universal was not happy with that decision because they did not have their entire insurance.
Stockwell stated that although the studio had initially planned to bring in another unit for special effects, the result was not what they expected. The only effect in the film was facial replacement, which placed Bosworth’s visage on Ballard.
He added, “Honestly, it is not great.” The effects can be quite severe if the speed is reduced. The same people did it. Face/OffIt is that John Travolta And Nicolas Cage movie. The waves were real. Kate was able to paddle out for some great days. I wanted Kate sitting at the front of the wave spraying in her face. You could easily have killed or hurt her, but she went out anyway.