Winston never thought that his Latvian professional basketball experience would have prepared him for what he is about to do. 

In January Lamorne Morris and Hannah Simone, who played Winston CeCe on Neue Girl, launched a re–watch podcast You are invited to visit our ShowroomiHeartMedia provides the following services: Zooey DeschanelJessica Day, played by.

Now, in an CelebHomes News exclusive interview—and in the spirit of reminiscing on old episodes—the pair revealed one particular fan of the hit–sitcom: Kobe Bryant

Bryant had become such an avid fan of the series that he made a sudden stop at the Fox Studio Lot Los Angeles to pay a surprise visit to the cast and film.

“As I’m coming out of my trailer,” Lamorne recalled, “I see this tall dude in a Nike track suit walking up to the stage with one of the executives.”

I was thinking, “What actor (6’6″) is that?” “This is absurd, what is this?” He said. “And then comes Kobe Bryant.”

He said, “I felt as if I was going to die.” It was hard to know what I should say. Anybody who knows me well will tell you that I am an avid basketball fan.

Lamorne was astonished to see Kobe arrive. “Our stage has the only view from that side so I say, “He’s coming to here.” Kobe arrived to view us and then he relaxed and chatted with us.

This sounds just like Lamorne. SwashesIt was that day, it all came to pass!