It can be difficult to keep up Kim KardashianColor preferences of.
The 41-year-old hasn’t been shy about her attention to detail when it comes to her Instagram aesthetic. Kim boasted about the “so adorable and well-planned out” grid she created for blue and pink earlier this year. However, eagle-eye fans have noticed that she seems to have abandoned the cotton-candy vision and returned to her signature neutral color palate.
Kim has posted photos of herself in various outfits, including a bikini, nude John Galliano, and a beige gown, as well as silver and nude swimwear, and shapewear. You can also see photos of Kim’s daughter on her Instagram feed. North West, 9, wearing a dark ensemble and product shots of her new skincare line which comes in a stone-like packaging. The packaging is basically black-white and beige.
In fact, the last time Kim wore any bold color on the face of her gram was on June 5, when she posted a pic taken by North of her on a pink bed and wearing a matching hot pink Balenciaga outfit.