DeuxMoi is getting into the TV business—and that’s no gossip.

CelebHomes News confirmed that the script-to-series order has been placed at HBO Max for the debut novel of the highly influential Instagram account DeuxMoi. The site provides celebrity gossip and news to 1.5 million users.

It is titled Anon PlsWritten by DeuxMoi New York Times bestselling author Jessica GoodmanWilliam Morrow will publish the article Nov. 8, a HarperCollins subsidiary. It refers to DeuxMoi contributors’ frequent requests for anonymity in submitting gossip.

The book’s title reads: “Cricket Lopez,” the assistant of one of most famous celebrity stylists transforms her Instagram account into a celebrity gossip website on a drunken impulse.” It is not something she thinks will happen to it.

It is likely you can guess the destination.

“But when the account grows overnight and, even wilder, when she starts getting gossip from fans—juicy gossip—she has to face facts: her Instagram is now famous,” the description continues. She is now well-known.”

TwoMoi may have some insight into this.