FaceGym was founded 13 years ago by a professional beauty writer. Inge TheronIt was clear that there was a market gap between traditional and more invasive facials. Her suggestion was to “Think about your face as you think of your body.”
FaceGym was founded in 2015. It has helped thousands of people to learn how to do facial exercises to tighten, tone and lift their skin. There are no expensive facial procedures that don’t work or injectables. CelebHomes got the scoop on Inge’s most popular FaceGym treatments. You can also learn how to do them at your own home.
CelebHomes: Which facial is better?
IT:FaceGym looks exactly like a gym when you enter. Our trainers are not called “estheticians”. They’re instead called trainers. So you sit down with music bopping and the first thing that happens is one of our trainers will study your face. We’ll be looking for some initial flaccidity around the neck, perhaps slackening around the jaw, drooping around the cheek and the eyelids. It will be up to us how best we can manipulate these muscles, and how best to use our hands to do so.
These are the 40+ forgotten muscles of the face. These muscles can be stimulated with massage, EMS current or other methods. This will make a big difference. As you age, it is not enough to just treat your skin. Your skin will start to sag in your 30s. You need to work on your muscles to maintain a youthful, toned appearance.