While your bracket selections are final, the games that you see can change at any time. 

March Madness has continued to be a popular event for sports lovers across America. Some have realized that there is more media coverage of the men’s basketball team, especially during primetime. Ask! Sue BirdViewers should be willing to cheer on the women’s event. 

Sue shared her exclusive thoughts with CelebHomes News, “It’s just the perception about women’s basketball who keeps people away.” They believe the games will end in disaster. The games aren’t going to be fun, which is absurd. 

The WNBA player enjoys challenging viewers to only watch one game. She says that the chances of you being glued to your screen are very high.

“If you claim that you haven’t seen women’s basketball, then I will ask why. Then you can give it another chance,” she stated. It’s possible that you will fall in love, particularly during March. These games can be intense. This tournament is great fun. You never know who will win, so it’s always exciting.”