The final season of Game of Thrones confused Maisie Williams, too.
The actress, who played badass Arya Stark on all eight seasons of the epic HBO series, thought she understood her own character’s sexuality—until she didn’t.
Maisie stated that Arya surprised her for the first time in series 4. Teen Vogue. “I believed that Arya is queer. So…yeah. It was quite a surprise.
Arya, Gendry and Gendry are in the scene [Joe Dempsie] are on the verge of near-certain death before the Battle of Winterfell, so she tells Gendry she wants to know the feeling of physical intimacy if it is indeed her last night alive.
Despite the circumstances, it rubbed many fans—and now, obviously, Maisie—the wrong way. However, it was a moment in time. Game of Thrones co-creator David BenioffThey defended their decision.
Benioff explained that “some characters desire to be in love for the first-time because they’ve never done so before.” There are also characters that are drunken and sing songs and characters who just want to be together.