It is time to Kourtney KardashianThis is a tip of the day from.
To all those people who comment on our posts but have zero followers, it would be so liberating to remove your finstas to live authentically. KardashiansStar, aged 43, posted the following Instagram Stories on July 25, 2017. Say whatever you want to say, but don’t act like someone who doesn’t exist.
Kourtney’s friends were even more supportive. Her pal responded to Kourtney’s story. NatalieHe wrote: “Or, better still, go out into the world and be kind.” Even one person at a moment. Lol.” Lol.”
Where? Addison Rae called the trolling “the most annoying thing in the world and also a waste of valuable time,” Kourtney felt the same way. “I agree,” the Staying up with the KardashiansAccording to screenshots of the text exchange, alum wrote. “I was just about to add that I think you could spend your precious time more wisely.