However, the Golden Globe-nominated actress admitted that she initially tried to think of a creative way to turn it down. 

She said, “I tried to find these ways out with medical excuses.” “I tried to imagine something that would sound plausible. It was like my hips were a little twisted. Then, I thought of all the weirdest things. [show creator Mike White] just said in [a] text, ‘Are you afraid?’ I was like, ‘Oh, Jesus, he’s onto me!'” 

These days, Coolidge is grateful for the little push that she needed to sign onto the show. Coolidge said, “You never know what happens when acting,” and that it was sometimes a big moment. Mike White is brilliant. “He wrote an amazing show.” 

Was she going to return for season two? Well, she coyly deflected the question. She said, “There is a rumor that I am coming back. It is rumored that Legally Blonde 3‘s happening. She said that there are many rumors. “I don’t know!” 

(CelebHomes, NBC and NBC make up the NBCUniversal Family.