This viral Olympics moment deserves its own gold medal.
Of course we’re referring to the sensational encounter between Olympian and Olympian. Simone BilesShe met her celebrity crush Zac Efron, at the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Before we dive into all the wonderful details, we’ll take a look back at the memorable moments that led up to our meet-in, including a hug on the cheek.
As we head into the 2016 Summer games the legendary gymnast showed her to be a great performer. Ellen DeGeneresThat she was a hugeYou can crush the Neighbors actor. Without missing a beat, the talk show host asked, “Is it just ’cause he’s gorgeous, is that why you like him?”
Simone responded with a simple “Yes!”
Same, girl. Same.
As Simone’s crush picked up steam, even becoming a talking point on NBC’s Nightly NewsThe network organized for Simone and David to meet up in person. Unsurprisingly, Simone’s reaction deserved a perfect 10.
She warned, “If you bring this man out, I believe I’m going insane,” Hoda KochThe screaming began just before Zac arrived.