Are you guilty of shouting at your screen lately, “Why is the cowboy’s hat?”

We’re here to tell you that you’re not alone. Since then Love is blind spin-off The ultimatum: Move or Marry You can find more information here Premiered by Netflix on April 6, there were many pressing questions. What will happen to the couple? What’s the point of silver glasses over gold? Can hosts be more gracious? Vanessa Nick Lachey be any cuter? And most importantly: What’s the deal with the cowboy hats?

wCelebHomes sat down and got the answers that you were looking for. Colby Kiss.

CelebHomes News spoke with the 25 year-old, who said that it was just her being herself. I am bold and like this look.

He said, “I am able to take a photo right now.” He said, “It would consist of a cowboy shirt, boots from my dad, and diapers. This is the hat I’ve worn my entire life. Like a sixth-generation Texan I support and stand by the Texan. My personality is a combination of the city and country boy. While I’m not afraid to dress up in a suit, I do prefer blue jeans with a white T-shirt and cowboy hat.