Yorgey was unsure if the car struck her from above or below when she was asked. “I don’t even know, Tim. “My whole life has flashed right in front of my eyes. But this is live TV, and everything’s okay,” she stated. “I believed I was safe, but we may need to move it a little, so I will do this while I think about it.
Yorgey set the camera’s position and took her breath. Irr then explained to her that many drivers get lost when trying to navigate around emergency vehicles in a breakwater.
Yorgey agreed. He added, “People get distracted a lot.”
Speak with NBC News, Yorgey said she was feeling all right outside of a little soreness. She told the outlet, “I had my checkup and there were no broken bones.” “They told me I’d be sore for a while.”
Explaining her decision to continue reporting, Yorgey said, “I felt safe and that’s why I didn’t leave and I kept doing the live shot.”
She said, “I love my job and would not trade it.”
(CelebHomes as well as NBC both belong to the NBCUniversal network.