You can hear a lot of people screaming about this ice-cream.
WalmartThe’s Great Value range was recently launched. JuneteenthThe ice cream was a Pan-African themed one, and it has not been well received by consumers. This product was called “Celebration Edition: Juniteenth Ice Cream” and it featured Pan-African-inspired decorations. It is described as a combination of cheesecake and red velvet. The frozen desert’s label read, “Share and celebrate African-American culture, emancipation and enduring hope.”
Following backlash online—with one twitter user sayingIt was said, “Nobody requested Juneteenth ice-cream.” None.”—the retail store released a statement to CelebHomes News apologizing for the sweet treat. (All things considered, one user did not receive the sweet treat. slammedIt is important that you have different viewpoints when hiring people.
Walmart explained that Juneteenth is an occasion to celebrate freedom and independence. We received feedback from customers that some items had caused concerns. For this, we deeply apologise. We will be reviewing the assortment and will take appropriate action to eliminate items.
Some are using this viral moment to convince shoppers not to criticize Black-owned firms but to instead encourage them to shop at Black-owned enterprises.