Betty White has a legacy that will live on not just through the films and television shows she starred in, but through the memories of those who knew her best. 

This figure is one example. Vicki LawrenceWhite’s co-star, and friend for many years Carol Burnett Show, Mama’s FamilyAnd Eunice

“I do have some lovely stories of Betty,” Lawrence said during an exclusive chat on CelebHomes News’ Daily Pop, going on to reminisce about everything from the late actress’ love of animals—”Betty would pick up a snake and hand it to you, ‘Isn’t this beautiful?'”—to the dinner parties she threw in the pair’s “early Mama’s Family“Days”, one of which is a memorable.

“Betty invited us over to her home for delicious home-cooked food, game nights and lots of fun. Lawrence said, “There were many laughs.”Al [Schultz]And I had only been married for a short time. Al, as we drive home, finally states, “I hope that you don’t take this mistake, but if you ever have to die, you could still date Betty White.”

Then she continued: “Well, sweetie. I’ll tell you what. You can tell me if anything has ever happened. ItBetty White could be your date.