It TodayThe crew gets groovy to support a noble cause.

Anchors Savannah Guthrie, Hoda Koch, Al Roker, Craig MelvinAnd Carson Daly star in a just-released Super Bowl LVI commercial meant to encourage girls around the country to purse their interests in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). 

As part of the Ad Council collaboration She is a STEM-minded womanCampaign, and the PSA is set in Savannah’s daydream. Savannah says that she wishes there were more cool jobs for women growing up.

She and her friend suddenly found themselves in a new situation.Today anchors—now rocking pigtails and braces—are transported to a classroom in the 1970s where a teacher is asking the students what they want to be when they grow up.

One young girl replies, “I want immersive video games.” Another responds, “I want 3D printing to change the world.”