James MarsdenIt is about getting back into the saddle.

The actor was at the ATX Festival, June 4. Westworld cast to confirm he will star in season four—but not as Teddy Flood, who he played in seasons one and two.

Instead, he’s set to play a mysterious new character who goes on a date with Christina, another newcomer played by Evan Rachel Wood—co-creator Lisa Joy confirmed that Dolores is in fact dead “but I really like Evan and she’s also kind of clinging so I had to bring her back.”

Dolores transformed Teddy into a brutal killer during Dolores’ host rebellion in season 2. And while characters are often brought back to life on the HBO series, Teddy was MIA throughout season three.

Marsden teased, “Sometimes,” that Marsden would say, “You have to go away in order to come back.”