If you’re on the fence about buying the Kate Somerville KateCeuticals Resurfacing Overnight Peel, it has 3.8K+ “loves” from Sephora shoppers. Check out these reviews from fans of the product.
“I’ve tried hundreds of different products. I consider myself to be a very knowledgeable skin care reviewer. Although I was skeptical at first, after using this product for a while, it became clear that the cost is worth it. A shopper stated that the product was “Amazing.” If the cost is too high for you, take advantage of today’s half-off deal.
One person explained that she has tried many at-home treatments over the years, and none of them have lived up to my expectations. The product was a bit skeptical when I tried it. More smooth skin Smoother skin? Yes, it did. I am less noticeable and my dark spots are disappearing! It’s a total win!
One customer said that although she rarely takes the time to leave reviews for products like this, it is an amazing product! It was a promotional offer and I tried it out. After three uses, I became addicted. It’s expensive, but it is worth the investment.
Another person shared that “After receiving it, I wasn’t sure what to think about leaving it on my skin all night. But I decided it would help all the fine lines and I wanted it to work.” My skin felt smoother and more hydrated. It has made fine lines less obvious, and I’ll continue using the product to reduce them. This is a wonderful feeling.
The product is loved by many who rave about it. “After applying this overnight, my skin feels so soft and glowing in the morning,” one user said. This product has been used twice per week. I haven’t experienced any irritation, redness or skin becoming visibly brighter. Love!”
Sephora customer, Kate Somerville, raved about the overnight peel. It’s pleasant to the smell, and it glides over my skin. It will leave you wanting to touch your face all day!
“Oh my goodness, I love it!” My face was brighter, with no acne scarrings and it felt smoother. This product was a must-have for me as a Kate Somerville lover. “It exceeded my expectations.” A customer commented.