We Definitely feel god in this Chili’s tonight, because Peacock just dropped all of The OfficeSeason five of Superfan Episodes.  

Even better, to celebrate, CelebHomes News is bringing you an exclusive never-before-seen clip Now

The below video features a scene from the memorable season five episode “The Surplus,” during which Michael Scott (Steve Carell) discovers extra money left in Dunder Mifflin’s budget and is subsequently forced to decide whether to spend it on a replacement copier or new chairs. This is the minimum. This wasMichael discovered that he was eligible for a bonus of a very small proportion of the surplus in the case before him. 

That’s what he did. Michael has to make the tough decision of whether or not to spend the funds. He is aware that the bonus exists and proceeds to attempt to convince Michael to spend the money to improve his office. How? You can share a story about an adorable little boy.