Fabienne ByerspoonOne of only a few survivors of her nearly-death encounter as a “Coast to Coast Killer”, is still alive. Tommy Lynn Sells.

Sells was eventually found guilty of the murder of 9-year-old. Mary Beatrice Perez and is suspected of killing at least 21 other individuals, including a child as young as 4.

Fabienne recalls the harrowing experience in an exclusive sneak peek of A&E’s I survived a serial killer, premiering Friday, Feb. 4. Even though the event occurred almost 30 years ago the survivor is able to recall every detail like they were just yesterday. 

As Tommy was still living in poverty, Fabienne (19 years old) offered food and clothing to Tommy. When she asked him to wait outside, Fabienne told him that he would help Tommy gather the stuff. However, when Fabienne said that he was going to follow her inside, he threatened her with the knife, and made her go to the bathroom.