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Hulu’s series of miniseries are available to everyone regardless of whether they grew up during the 90s. Pam & Tommy is must-watch content for many reasons. Watch fictionalized versions Pamela Anderson Tommy Lee’s confusion about the internet illustrates just how far we’ve come regarding technology. It’s amazing to see the lightning-fast pace at which Pam and Tommy interact. The evolution of celebrity media coverage is fascinating. We are only a small part of the story. You can find it here We will be talking about the transformation. Initially, it was tough to picture Lily JamesIt was hard to not look like Pam when you were playing this role. But the hair, make-up, and wardrobe team totally nailed it. Lily has a great voice and mannerisms.

Recently, Elle published a feature focused on the incredibly talented people behind the transformation, including costume designer Kameron Lennox, hair department head Barry Lee Moe, makeup department head David Williams, and special makeup effects designer Jason Collins. Although Lily was ready for the camera after four hours, it took only four hours. So worth it.

Let’s break down the hair and makeup products that the team used to help Lily embody the one and only Pamela Anderson. These products are both classics, as well modern favorites.