Olsen said, “It’s so exciting for fans to witness this.” “It’s exciting for Wanda to continue her journey, and I want to hear what she wants from them next.”

Star is also excited about the movie’s release Rachel McAdamsAfter her appearance on Disney+ as Christine Palmer, her love interest in animated Disney+ she made her second live action appearance. What If…?. And while Palmer may not have any superpowers, McAdams believes that women can be just as powerful without them.

McAdams stated, “I believe it’s important that all types of women are shown on the screen. Every kind is possible so every girl can relate to something.” McAdams said, “I think they don’t all need to be strong, strong, and able to beat up a man.” They are capable of being anything. Therefore, it is important to tell more stories that are female-oriented and represent all little girls.

Doctor Strange, in the Multiverse of MadnessPremieres in Theaters on May 6.