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The tease is there season after season. Clayton EchardThe Bachelor season could be one of the most dramatic seasons ever. Finale week was unpredictable. Susie EvansClayton was so infatuated with two of the women that Clayton had cut short their Fantasy Suite date. Gabby Windey Rachel Recchia. There was then what? Jesse PalmerIt was described by him as the “rose ceremony from hell”. This was an eye-opening experience.

The finale is packed with so much information. This is why it will be on air for two nights. But that does not mean we have forgotten about clothes. They are a secondary topic.

We recorded reality TV and took screenshots of every shot so that you didn’t have too. Continue scrolling for more fashion inspiration. For last week’s fashion breakdown click here. As we find more details about fashion, this will continue to be updated. So stay tuned!