Perhaps you have tried setting up seating arrangements at a wedding. If so, then you may be familiar with how challenging it can be to create a seating plan for the Met Gala. Strategically seating guests by considering common interests is the biggest aspect of an event.
“A lot of thought goes into who sits next to who, if they sat together last year, if they’ve sat next to each other at other events, so much goes into it, it’s shocking,” Ward Durrett said in The first Monday of May. “A lot power-brokering.”
As the event progresses, seating arrangements change every year. Ward Durett explained to Vogue that Velcro is better than post-it notes and she made the decision early to use Velcro to eliminate any potential errors. There have been many iterations to the seating arrangement, she explained. “When I first started, we had just little stickies, and it was a nightmare—things were falling off, we were losing people and rewriting names a million times a day.”
Also, color-coding can be used. Ward Durrett prefers the man-man-womanman-man format if it is possible. Another rule you might be surprised to hear is “Never place spouses next each other.” These events are about meeting new people and being interested in other’s lives. Why come to these events if your only purpose is to meet new people and have fun with your spouse? Sorry, Blake Lively And Ryan Reynolds!